BMW Advanced Driving School Day 2

The Group

Day Two… That’s the day where the speeds come up and you really get a feel for your car. After the rain on Day 1 I was ready for just about anything. The day started off cloudy but by noon it was amazing and sunny.

Doing the driving school doesn’t leave much time to photograph, but I felt like sharing a few highlights from Green Group. It was there first time on the track Educational Surface, and i think (hope) they are hooked!

Will and his BEAUTIFUL M3

Will and his M3

And an AMAZING Roush Performance Mustang. This thing looked mean, sounded mean and just screamed down the front straight

Roush Mustang

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BMW Advanced Driving School at AMP in Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia

I’m taking a break from people-picture posts for a second to post up another love of mine, cars and racing. The BMW Club of NS runs two advanced driver training schools each year, normally I go out and show support and shoot them, this time I’m in the school for my second time, it’s awesome and something everyone should try!

Day 1 of the summer session was met with a beautiful sunrise and some great weather for arrival. The clouds rolled in and by the end of the morning sessions it was raining. Rain won’t hold the driving school up though, our cars work in the rain right? Ha ha.
Tomorrow the weather outlook is a bit better, time will tell.